Food Forests for Schools

Food Forests for Schools


Eriobotrya japonica (Rosaceae)

  • Perennial evergreen tree that grows to 25 feet tall, with a dense canopy. Leaves are alternate, simple and dark green when mature, and
    发白的下面. Flowers are small, white, in clusters at the end of the branches. Fruits are oval, around two inches long, orange-yellow and have hairs on skin.
  • Ripe fruits can be consumed fresh or cooked. 叶子、花和果实因其抗炎特性而被药用.
  • Fruits are a good source of carbohydrates, carotenoids, phosphorous, and vitamin A.
  • Best in well-drained soil.
  • 充足的阳光.


For more information, please call:
305-558-4544,分机. 118
or Email Food Forest for Schools Program Manager